People Featured in the Newspaper

Newspaper are a fountain of information, especially for family researchers.  Local newspapers often printed stories of serving families, details of weddings, notices of those missing in action, as well as obituaries of those who sadly lost their lives.

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Rifleman Bertram Edgar Spark - 1917

Bertram Edgar Spark

Bertram Edgar Spark Bertram Edgar Spark served as a rifleman with the 1st Battalion of the Queen’s Westminster regiment. He…
Sergeant Thomas Beattie grave marker

Sergeant Thomas Beattie

Thomas Beattie Sergeant Thomas Beattie served with the RAF voluntary reserve as an observer during world War 2. He was…
Private Ernest John Accleton

Private Ernest John Accleton

Ernest John Accleton Private E.J. Accelton, 1957, of the 1/4th Royal West Kent Regiment, has been killed in the Persian…
Grave marker of G. H. Obee in Beckenham Crematorium

Molly Sherwell

Molly Sherwell Private Molly Sherwell served with the Auxiliary Territorial Service during World War II.   She died on the 28th…
Portrait of Gunner F. Bateman

Gunner F. Bateman

Gunner F. Bateman Gunner F. Bateman, of Weston Rove in Bromley, served with the 126th Battery of the Royal Field…
Portrait of soldier Sidney V. Langton of the Royal Field Artillery leaning against motorbike

Sidney V. Langton

Sidney V. Langton Sidney V. Bateman was a despatch rider for the Royal Field Artillery during World War 1. He…
Portrait of young soldier by the name ofE. Batemen

E.A. Bateman

Private E. A. Bateman Private E.A. Bateman enlisted on the 1st of August 1914 and served with the 9th Battalion…
Grave marker of G. H. Obee in Beckenham Crematorium

G.H. Obee

G. H. Obee Private G.H. Obee served with the 4th Battalion Seaforth Highlanders during World War 1. He died on…
Grave marker of B.G. Clarke in Beckenham Crematorium

B.G. Clarke

B.G. Clarke Gunner Benjamin George Clarke served with the Royal Artillery in the 36 Searchlight Regiment during World War II…
Grave marker of Francis Perl Mears in Beckenham Crematorium

Francis Perl Mears

Francis Perl Mears Captain Francis Perl Mears served with the Royal Army Service Coprs during World War 1 in France…
Grave marker of George Reginald Pierce in the Annunciation Church Chislehurst

George Reginald Pierce

George Reginald Pierce George Reginald Pierce was Second Engineer on the merchant vessel SS Oriole, a steamer ship. On Friday…
Grave marker of CE Kennard in the Annunciation Church Chislehurst

Charles Edward Kennard

Charles Edward Kennard Lance Corporal Charles Edward Kennard, was the only son of Richard and Eleanor Kennard of 34 Whitehorse…
Grave marker of Jack Townley Dunmore in the Annunciation Church Chislehurst

Jack Townley Dunmore

Jack Townley Dunmore Flight Sergeant Jack Townley Dunmore served with the Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve. He was the son…
Grave marker of Frederick Charles Salmon in Beckenham Crematorium

Frederick Charles Salmon

Frederick Charles Salmon Second Lieutenant Frederick Charles Salmon was the son of George and Annie Martha Salmon, of 38 Sainsbury…
Grave marker of Gilbert Frank Coffin in the Annunciation Church Chislehurst

Gilbert Frank Coffin

Gilbert Frank Coffin Gilbert Coffin was a 1st Air Mechanic with the Royal Air Force, and served during World War…
Grave marker of Frank Leonard Rollison in the Annunciation Church ehurst

James Urquhart

James Urquhart Corporal James Urquhart, the husband of Hettie Urquhart of Chislehurst, served with the Royal Air Force during World…
Grave marker of Frank Leonard Rollison in the Annunciation Church ehurst

Frank Leonard Rollison

Frank Leonard Rollison Frank Leonard Rollison of Albany Road, Chislehurst was the son of Mrs RE Rollison and the youngest…
Grave of Albert Victor Waldock at the Church of The Annunciation, Chislehurst

Albert Victor Waldock

Arthur Victor Waldock Private Arthur Victor Waldock served with the 2nd London Regiment during World War 1. He had only…
portrait of leading stoker charles wiliam venters

Leading-Stoker Charles William Venters

Leading-Stoker Charles WIlliam Venters Lost at Sea Charles William Venters was the son of William G.T. and Rose Venters of…
portrait of Sergeant C Allington

Sergeant C. Allington

Sergeant C. Allington Sergeant C. Allington, of North Road, Bromley (Kent), joined Regular Army in 1914 and went out with…
portrait of Stoker Ernest Bourne

Leading-stoker Ernest Bourne

Leading-Stoker Ernest Bourne Ernest Bourne of Canon Road, Bromley (Kent) spent 8 and a half years with navy on HMS…
Portrait of Gilbert Ware Murlis Green taken in 1917

Captain Gilbert W Murlis Green

Captain Gilbert Ware Murlis Green Highly decorated Officer Captain Gilbert W. Murlis Green was the son of Mr & Mrs…
Portrait of William Bernard Bingham 1916

William Bernard Bingham

William Bernard Bingham Killed whilst on service William Bernard Bingham was born at West Stoke and was the son of…
Portrait of soldier Francis George Wake Marchant

Second-Lieu F. G. W. Marchant

Second Lieutenant Francis George Wake Merchant Killed in Action Second Lieutenant Francis George Wake Marchant served with the 3rd Squadron…
portrait of solider named JW Filby

Staff-Sergeant J.W. Filby

Staff-Sergeant J.W. Filby News has been received that Staff-Sergeant J. W. Filby, eldest son of Mr and Mrs J. Filby…
Two soldiers dressed in uniform, referenced as brothers Bennett Thomas Basham and Sidney Robert Basham

Basham Brothers Missing, 1942

Basham Brothers Missing in Action It must have been bad enough having one son go missing in action, but it…
Wording from an article regarding David Waite who was reported missing in Singapore

Mr David Waite in Singapore

Missing in Singapore David Stanley Waite was the son of Harold & Margaret Waite of 22 Woodlands Way, West Wickham. …
Pilot Officer Ronald Frederick Leonard Tong

Ronald Frederick Leonard Tong

Pilot Officer Awarded The Distinguished Flying Cross  Pilot Officer R.F.L. Tong Among a number of awards approved by the King…

Thomas Holloway

Sergeant Thomas Holloway Chislehurst Sergeant’s Letter Sergeant Thomas Holloway, R.A.F., of 11 Church row, Chislehurst, who has been a prisoner…

Prisoners of Singapore (WW2)

Singapore Prisoners of War During World War II, following the Fall of Singapore in February 1942, the Japanese military held…
black and white portrait photo of Lance Corporal Albert Bailey

Albert Bailey

Some time since we reported that no news had been received since Christmas, 1914, of Lance-Corporal Albert Bailey, son of…
Arthur James Smith

Arthur James Smith

Presumed Killed Lieutenant A.J. Smith In June 1940, Mrs Smith, 58 Freeland Road, Bromley, received news that her husband, Lieutenant…
Stephen J Masters

Stephen J. Masters

Missing Lieutenant S.J. Masters, Chislehurst Mr and Mrs C. Masters, of Ridgemount, Leesons, Chislehurst, have been informed by the War…
Bert Whitehead

Bert Whitehead

Prisoner of War Private Bert Whitehead Private Bert Whitehead, son of Mr and Mrs J. Whitehead, 13 Holbrook Way, Bromley…
Nurse Miss KE Stacey

Nurse K.E. Stacey

Nurse from Green Street Green awarded for her services to The Red Cross during World War One The Royal Red…
Driver Albert E Stagg

Driver A.E. Stagg

Prisoner of War at Stalag, Germany Driver A. E. Stagg Mr and Mrs Stagg, of 23 Pope Road, Bromley, have…
Leading Stoker Albert Henry Jennings

Albert Henry Jennings

Leading Stoker A. H. Jennings Leading-Stoker Albert Henry Jennings, aged 22, who is among the missing, is a brother of…
Corporal Arthur Bellringer missing in action during world war two

Arthur Bellringer

Corproal Bellringer Councillor’s Son Missing at Singapore Corporal Arthur Bellringer R.A.S.C.. second son of Councillor Mrs Bellringer, of West Wickham…
Acting Leading Seaman WJ Bennett missing in action during world war two

W. J. Bennett, Acting Leading Seaman

Missing Acting Leading Seaman W. J. Bennett  Acting Leading-Seaman W.J. Bennett, who has been posted missing, is the son of…
Wedding of Edgar Hewett and Miss Ethel may Harrington

Wedding: Edgar Hewett and Miss Harrington

The wedding of Lieutenant Edgar Alfred Robert Hewett, only son of Mr and Mrs Alfred Hewett, of Woodlands, Swanley, and…
Private AG Sales

Private AG Sales

Killed in Action Private A.G. Sales, of the 3rd Monmouth, who enlisted on August 30th, 1914, went to the Front…
Private Harry Gordon Symonds

Private Harry Gordon Symonds

Private Harry Gordon Symonds was a member of the 11th Battalion Middlesex Regiment, and died on the 5th March 1916…
Herbert Bramwell Rook

Private Herbert Bramwell Rook

Private Rook served with the 6th Royal Went Kent Regiment during the first world war.  He was educated in Orpington…
Nurse Winifred Tremain

Miss Winifred Tremain

Experiences of a local nurse in France Praise for British coolness and tact Miss Winifred Tremain, eldest daughter of Mr…
Wedding of Mason and Lovely 1942

Wedding of Mason & Lovely

Mr T.G. Mason and Miss Valerie Lovely Mr Thomas George Mason, only son of Mr and Mrs J.T. Mason, of…

Wedding of Hook & Ryan

Flight-Lieut Hook, RAF and Miss Ryan Flight-Lieutenant Robin Hook, RAF, only son of Mr and Mrs E.M. Hook, of The…
Jack Lansbury

Old Valley Boy Plays for Scottish Command

Mr Jack Lansbury The many friends of Mr Jack Lansbury, whose mother lives at 37 Recreation Road, Shortlands, will be…
Portrait of Richard Been Stannard

Lieutenant Richard Been Stannard

Lieutenant Richard Been Stannard was born at Blyth, Northumberland. His father, Captain George Stannard, was lost with the Mount Oswald…

Gunner Harry Garcia

Old Bromley Scouter Broadcasts An exciting story Harry Garcia, a gunner of a Coastal Command Lockheed Hudson, whose home is…
Wedding portrait of David Dobbie and Miss HEM Schooling dated February 1942

Wedding of Dr. Doobie & Miss Schooling

Dr David N. Dobbie and Miss H.E.M. Schooling Interest was aroused in Bromley on Saturday by the Wedding at St…
Portait of Mr and Mrs Charles Gunton of Bromley

Wedding Anniversary: Gunton

Former Mayor and Mayoress of Bromley Celebrate golden Wedding Anniversary Mr and Mrs C.H. Gunton Honoured residents of Bromley who…
Gillian Lorne Campbell

A/F/L Gillian Lorne Campbell

Awarded the Distinguished Flying Cross Acting Flight Lieutenant Gillian Lorne Campbell, R.A.F.V.T. Acting Flight Lieutenant Gillian Lorne Campbell, R.A.F.V.T., 272…
Rev CAS Page

Rector of West Wickham Leaving: 1942

Rev. Charles A. S. Page was the Rector of West Wickham for nearly 12 years, before he moved onto Hawkinge…
Squadron Leader Harry Charles Page

Squadron Leader Henry Charles Shaw Page

Henry Charles Shaw Page (known as Harry) was the only son of West Wickham Rector Charles Alexander Shaw Page and…
Group images of Prisoners of war in world war two from the Royal West Kent Regiment

Prisoners of War: 1942

Prisoners of War Do you know anyone here?These are men of the Royal West Kent Regiment who are prisoners of…
Lieu Kenneth John Amos

Lieutenant Kenneth J. Amos

Lieut. K.J. Amos Awarded MBE (Military Divsion) Lieutenant (temporary captain) Kenneth John Amos, Royal Corps of Signals, is among those…
Portrait of the Foxwell Brothers of Keston, published in the Bromley Times on 2nd Jan 1942

The Foxwell Brothers

In this article we focus on the Foxwell family, who resided in the Keston area of Bromley during the second…

Lance Corporal Ernest A. Palin

Family Memories of a war hero After the war Ernest returned to his family and he went to work on…
Victor George Thomas Rickman

Mr Victor George Thomas Rickman

For Gallantry: British Empire Medal Mr V.G.T. Rickman His Majesty the King has been graciously please to award the British…
Flying Officer H S Mellows published in the bromley & District newspapers on 28th November 1941

F/O Harold Sydney Mellows

Flying Officer H.S. Mellows West Wickham Rotarians stood in silence at their meeting on Monday in tribute to the memory…
Wedding Photo of William Stanley Page and Margaret Holder, published int eh Bromlet Times newspaper in November 1941

William Page & Margaret Holder: Wedding

The perfect romance It seems this was the perfect romance.  In the 1939 Register, William Page, then living at 17…
Flying Officer Albert C Batt

Flying Officer Albert Cyril Batt

Gallant Conduct Flying Officer A.C. Batt, R.AF.V.R., Commended The gallant conduct of Flying Officer Albert Cyril Batt, R.A.F.A.R., on the…
Portraits of

Amazing Ordeal of Two Local Airmen

Blazing Bomber 12,000 Feet up Fought fire over Germany for three hours THEN 57 HOURS ON SEA WASHED ASHORE IN…
Group photo of members from the Royal West Kent Regiment who were prisoners of war in 1941 including Lance Corporal Eric Arthur Eagles

Is Your Boy here? Prisoners of War, 1941

This group photo of soldiers being held in a prisoner of war camp in Germany in 1941, was published in…
Members from the Royal West Kent Regiment who were prisoners of war in Germany in 1941

Royal West Kent Regiment: Prisoners of War

In a German Prison Camp A group of officers of the Royal West Kent Regiment at Camp Oflag VII., C…
Wedding photo of Robert Leo Rockall and Elsie Williams, published in the Bromley & District Times in October 1941

Rifleman Robert Leo Rockall: Wedding

Mr R.L. Rockall and Miss Elsie L. Williams The wedding took place on Saturday at St Mary’s Church, Plaistow, of…
Captain Quentin Hurst

Captain Quentin B. Hurst: Killed in Action

Captain Quentin Hurst, the Rifle Brigade, previously reported as missing, is now known to have been killed in action on…
Portrait of philosopher Collie Knox

Collie Knox joins the Star

Collie Knox (1899–1977) was a British author and journalist who was active during World War II. He wrote mostly for…
Flight Lieu Hugh William Eliot

Acting F/L Hugh William Eliot

For Gallentry Acting Light-Lieutenant H.W. Eliot AWARDED DISTINGUISHED FLYING CROSS The Distinguished Flying Cross has been awarded to Acting Flight-Lieutenant…
Private Patrick J Reynolds

Private Patrick Joseph Reynolds: Death

Private Patrick Reynolds had previously been reported as missing in the Bromley & District Times newspaper on the 19th July…
Squadron Leader Harry Charles Page

Harry Charles Shaw Page

Promotion for Rector’s Son Squadron Leader Page Flight Lieutenant Harry Charles Shaw Page, D.F.C., only son of Lieutenant-Colonel and Mrs…
Wedding of LAC Harold Lidster and Margaret Fitch as reported in the Bromley Times in 1941

Leading Aircraftman Harold Lidster: Wedding

L/A/C Lidster and Miss M. Fitch The wedding took place at St Luke’s Church on Saturday,  August 30, of L/A/C…
Article image of Missing Flying Officer Ross James as reported in the Bromley Times on 12th September 1941

Flying Officer Ross James

Roll of Honour MISSING. Hero who raided Berlin A fortnight ago we announced that the Distinguished Flying Cross had been…
Mrs Ethel Pond, VAD nurse who lived in Bromley during World War two

Mrs Ethel Augusta Pond

Recognition for Bravery Red Cross Distinguished War Service Certificate The many friends of Mrs Ethel A. Pond, MBE, Commandant Kent…
Newspaper extract featuring Sergeant Peter David Devereux who went missing at sea, published in the Bromley Times on 12th September 1941

Sergeant Peter David Devereux

Lost at Sea Sergeant P.D. Devereux, R.A.F. Sergeant Peter David Devereux, aged 22, who has been reported “missing” while on…
Wedding of Gunner Sydney Bax and Miss Gwendoline Prior reported in the Bromley Times - 12th Sept 1941

Gunner Sydney Bax: Wedding

A member of an old Bromley family was married at St John’s, Eden Park, on Saturday, when the bridegroom was…
Portrait of Squadron leader Barrie Heath of Bromley

Squadron-Leader Barrie Heath

Born in Warwickshire in 1916, Squadron Leader Barrie Heath was a son of Mr G.R. Heath.  He saw active service…
Doctor Tapper who was honoured with the George Medal in 1941

Dr Kenneth Edwin Tapper

Awarded the George Medal Dr. Kenneth E. Tapper, O.B.E, Medical Officer of Health for Bromley, and head of the A.P.R…
Wedding photograph of Captain John Mooney and Miss Mollie Cooney outside West Wickham Parish Church in July 1941

Mooney & Cooney

The Canadian soldiers and airmen were very popular with the girls of the area . I don’t know whether the…
Wedding of Henry Leonard Euler and Miss Jane Bowl in 1941

Henry Euler and Miss Jane Bowl

It is such a wonderful moment in family history research when you stumble upon an article, such as a marriage…
Flying Officer Peter Loat of Orpington

Flying Officer Peter E.A. Loat

The Battle of Cape Matapan was a Second War engagement between British Imperial and Axis forces, fought from 27–29 March…
Mrs Marion Edith Bolton, matron of the Sir Robert Jeffery’s Homes, Mottingham receives George Medal

Matron Marion Edith Bolton

Mottingham George Medallist Mrs Marion Edith Bolton, matron of the Sir Robert Jeffery’s Homes, Mottingham, received from the King, as…
Flying Officer Eric Charles Whitehead, 1941

Flying Officer Eric Charles Whitehead

Flying Officer Eric Charles Whitehead was the son of William and Selina Whitehead of Bromley, Kent, and the husband of…
Gunner Horace Charles Baldwin, Prisoner of war in world war two

Gunner Horace Charles Baldwin

One fears for the prisoners taken by the Japanese. Gunner Baldwin was being held in Batavia (Jakarta, Indonesia). Gunner Baldwas…

The Durling Sisters

It wasn’t only sons who helped fight the war in WW2.  Many families with girls were also proud of their…
Soldier W n Hickmott

William Noel Hickmott

Lance Bombardier William Noel Hickmott was the son of Thomas William and Beatrice Hickmott of Bromley.  He married Amy Rabbeth…
Lieutenant Kevin Walton

Lieu. (E.W.) Kevin Walton

Eric William Kevin Walton, known as Kevin Walton, was an officer in the Royal Navy during World War II. Born…

Private E. Brooker

Prisoners of War Private E. Brooker News has been received that Private E. Brooker of the Royal Army Ordnance Corps…
Death of soldier Private John Bertram Ecott, Bromley

Private John Bertram Ecott

Private John Bertam Ecott was the son of John Roland and Edith Miriam Ecott, of Bromley, Kent. He volunteered  in…
Photos of the Boxall family of Bromley

Boxalls Family

Notable Golden Wedding Year Mr and Mrs E.J. Boxall of 28 Nichol Lane, Bromley, who were married exactly 50 years…
Death of Sergeant Leslie Ralph Eden of Bromley, Kent

Leslie Ralph Eden

Leslie Ralph Eden was a sergeant in the 83 Squadron of the Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve.  He lived in…

Death of Sub-Lieutenant Stafford-Clark, 1940

Sub Lieutenant (A) John Stafford-Clark was the son of former Mayor of Bromley Francis Stafford-Clark (1929-1930). This notice of his…

Sergeant-Pilot Harold Ian Maxwell

We have with regret to record the death on active service of Sergeant-Pilot Harold Ian Maxwell, R.A.F., youngest son of…

King Commends Hayes Man, 1941

This article, which featured in the Bromley & District Times in late February 1941, actually followed directly on from my…

The Brothers Lee, 1941

Three sons of Mr. and Mrs. Lee. of 98 Bromley Common (Hook Farm) are serving in the forces. Private Cyril…
Portrait of Alfred Haffenden

Gunner Alfred Haffenden

Alfred Haffenden was the son of George Haffenden, of Eastbourne, and husband to Mrs E. A. Haffenden, of 10 Albert…

The Lock Brothers

Here the Bromley & District Times celebrated another band of brothers who served on the Front Line during WW2.  Their mother, already…

Flight-Sergeant Charles Sydney

KILLED IN ACTION Flight-Sergeant C. Sydney. St Mary Cray. Flight-Sergeant Charles Sydney, aged 25 years, third son of Mr. and…

The Crisp Brothers

One family from Bromley, Kent saw three of their five sons on active services during World War 2.  This short…
Private Albert C.J. Boxall

Private Albert Boxall

Prisoner of War Mr  and Mrs A. Boxall, of 38 Holbrook Way, Bromley, have received recent news from their son…
Pilot Officer RA Marchand

Pilot Officer R.A. Marchand

The funeral of Pilot Officer Roy Achille Marchand, who was killed in action on September 15th, aged 22, took place…
Mr H G Milstead, 1915

Mr H.G. Milstead

Whilst working for the Standard Bank in Mombasa, Mr H.G. Milstead became the South Africa correspondent for the Bromley &…
Private Ernest W Bridgen

Private Ernest W. Brigden

Private Ernest W. Brigden was serving with the Worcestershire Regiment when he was killed action in November 1914, aged 22. His…
Private P J Reynolds reported as missing in the Bromley & District Times on 19th July 1940

Private Patrick Joseph Reynolds, Bickley

Private Patrick Joseph Reynolds of the Royal West Kent Regiment, was reported as missing in the Bromley & District Times…

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