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Pam Preedy - My Story
Pam Preedy is a local historian and author of “Living Through The Great War At Home; How the People of Bromley Faced the Challenges of War”.
It was an Advanced Diploma in Local Studies at the Department of Continuing Education at Rewley House, Oxford, which opened her eyes to new possibilities in historical research.
Pam found inspiration for her project from the Bromley War Memorial which lists some 848 names of casualties from the First World War.
Wondering where to look for information apart from the main internet sites Pam cast about and, more by chance, than anything else started looking at the Bromley and District Times. Here she found lists of men, and their addresses, being recalled to service and volunteering. The information was too good to ignore so she began the process of creating tables of information which are now published on her website www.militaryancestors.co.uk
Realising what a wonderful resource the newspapers were, Pam the spent the next few years researching and writing her first book about Bromley in World War 1, which was published in 2022.
The extracts were taken from copies of the relevant local newspapers, given to her by the Bromley Archives.

About Pam
Pam is a mother and grandmother. Born in Bromley, Pam lived and was educated in West Wickham and Bromley.
Pam trained as a teacher and taught for many years. Since retiring, she has travelled with her husband on his lecture tours and advanced her interest in local war history.
Pam is a frequent visitor to the Bromley Historic Collections library and British Library, where she has spent many an hour researching for her Military Ancestors database and for her new book “Living Through The Great War at Home: How the People of Bromley Faced the Challenges of War”