Pam will be giving a number of fascinating talks this Autumn to local groups in the London Borough of Bromley. Her first talk will be held on Thursday 31st October at St Martins Church in Chelsfield where she will be talking about the development of the Council estate in Bromley which were built after the war to help with the housing shortage View details here > She will also be giving this talk to the Farnborough Social Club in Orpington on Friday 1st November. Details here > On Tuesday…
Tag: Talks
Home for Heroes (TALK)
Pam will be giving a talk to the Bromley Borough Local History Society on the building of the first Council Houses in Bromley after the Great War, on Bromley Common – affectionately known as Bromley Garden City. Non-members of all ages are very welcome to come along. There is a contribution of £1 towards the cost of the meeting (50p for Members) The talk starts at 7.45 pm in the Small Hall at the Trinity United Reformed Church, at the junction of Freelands Road and Upper Park Road, Bromley, BR1 3AQ.…
‘Voices of the Home Fronts’ – talk at Kew
I will be presenting a paper at the Voices of the Home Fronts: Reflections and Legacies of the First World War Conference at the National Archives at Kew on Friday 19th October. Under the ‘Post-war provisions and practicalities’ section I will be talking about the housing crisis after the Great War and how Bromley implemented Lloyd George’s policy, ‘Homes Fit for Heroes’. Tickets are on sale now [su_button url=”″ target=”blank” style=”flat” background=”#51ccd1″ color=”#ffffff” size=”6″ radius=”0″ icon=”icon: ticket” icon_color=”#fffff”]Book tickets here >[/su_button]
How to Honour the Fallen of World War I
Tuesday 2nd February 2018 7:45pm The trials and tribulations of creating a suitable war memorial to honour those who given their lives for the people: choosing an appropriate memorial, raising the money, choosing a site, and in some cases the inevitable disagreements and arguments. Bromley Borough Local History Society Trinity United Reformed Church Upper Park Road, Bromley Contact: Programme Co-ordinator
War Seen Through the Eyes of Local People
Tuesday 7th November 2017 8:15pm A talk about the women who served in the VAD unit in Farnborough and about the men who went away to war, many of whom made the ultimate sacrifice as the Farnborough War Memorial testifies. St Giles Centre Farnborough Kent Contact: Liz Diamond (Parish Secretary)