Adverts during WW2 These adverts appeared in the local newspaper during the World War 2 years. Idris Table Waters – Advert Soap Rationing A Home Guard Against Winter Chills Showing at the Odeon – January 1942 Jones & Higgins Department Store Jones & Higgins: Reliable Furniture Look Out in the Blackout – Advert from WW2 Recruits for the ATS needed URGENTLY Cinema Listings for Bromley in 1941 Quaker Relief in Britain Advertisement for Regent Portraits (Photographers) Travel Advice: Don’t Travel at Whitsun, 1943 Dainty Wear for Tiny Tots Rowntree’s Cocoa: Advert from 1943 Put Some Beef into it RAF “Presents” for Hitler What they Do and What they Wear: Lifebuoy Toilet Soap advert Swat that Squander Bug 1 2 3 › Share this: