Unexploded Bomb on Railway Line

Unexploded Bomb on Railway - September 1940

Unexploded Bomb on Railway - September 1940

Danger coolly tackled by staff

In the South of England an unexploded bomb fell a short distance from a main-line signal box and train services had to be temporarily suspended.  As the bomb could not be disposed of immediately, a screen of laden coal wagons was placed on the up-line to enable single-line working on the down-line.

Volunteers were asked to work freight traffic past the spot. The traffic and locomotive running staffs volunteered to a man and the crews of down trains from London were equally responsive, refusing to accept relief from the volunteers from the affected district which were sent to meet them.

The bomb was later removed, allowing the ordinary resumption of the passenger train services.

Reported in the Bromley & District Times, 6th September 1940

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