As reported in the Bromley & District Times in 6th September 1940
Prisoner of War
Mrs R. G, Jones of Maeberry, 10 Nichol Lane, Bromley, received a post-card from her husband on August 29, stating that he is a prisoner of war in Germany.
Sapper Jones left England on May 20 and his wife received a letter from him dated May 24. Then she had no news other than that he was missing, and neither the Red Cross nor War Office could give any further information. Mrs Jones is now reassured and comforted.
A Reservist of the Royal Engineers, Sapper Jones was called up on August 15, 1939. He was an old boy of the National School, and on the staff of the Bromley post office.
He was married on September 16 last year (1939) by special licence, while on 48 hours leave.
Are you a relative of R. G. Jones? Can you tell us how his story ends?