Three in one South-East District Three mothers gave birth to babies in private A.R.P. shelters during a raid over a South-East urban district. The mothers and babies are doing well. In the same raid a house was it by a bomb shortly after a young mother had given birth to a baby. The house was damaged and mother and baby were removed to hospital in the A.R.P. ambulance. A mile from her house a maternity home was shaken by the explosion of a bomb. No one was hurt. I wonder…
Tag: Bombs
Farm Wiped Out
Bomb Havoc Over a Mile It took a German bomb a matter of seconds to wipe out an ancient farm in a South-East urban district and spread damage among other buildings for over a mile on Thursday evening last week. Farm buildings, which had stood on this spot for years, and which were among the last remaining traces of the once rural character of this rapidly developed and modernised district, crumpled under the blast of a terrific explosion and in an incredibly short space of time became a desolate heap…
Unexploded Bomb on Railway Line
Danger coolly tackled by staff In the South of England an unexploded bomb fell a short distance from a main-line signal box and train services had to be temporarily suspended. As the bomb could not be disposed of immediately, a screen of laden coal wagons was placed on the up-line to enable single-line working on the down-line. Volunteers were asked to work freight traffic past the spot. The traffic and locomotive running staffs volunteered to a man and the crews of down trains from London were equally responsive, refusing to…