When France collapsed, it was anticipated that Britain would be next. However, as the Bromley & District Times reported in August 1940, both the R.A.F. and anti-aircraft gunners, although less in numbers, were vastly superior and stronger, managing to keep enemy at bay. German planes not brought down were sent reeling home, damaged and diminished. The Battle of Britain had begun… It’s On… The Battle of Britain is on. It has not begun in the way many people expected. When France collapsed so tragically, through the weakness and treachery of her new…
Tag: Germans
Prime Minister’s Message: August 1940
On Saturday 4th August 1940 the British Prime Minister, Winston Churchill, issued a statement via 10 Downing Street wishing it to be known that the ‘possibility of German attempts at invasion has been no means passed away” This report appeared in the local newspaper the following week. Possibility of Attempts at Invasion CONSTANT VIGILANCE ENJOINED Our growing strength and preparedness The following statement was issued from 10, Downing Street, on Saturday: – “The Prime Minister wishes it to be known that the possibility of German attempts at invasion has by…
Thrilling Aerial Dog-Fights over Kent in WW2
Raiders Over Kent —————— Bombers Chased off by R.A.F. and A.A. Gunners ——————- Home Guard “Bag” a Dornier with Rifle Volley ——————- Motorists machine-gunned in Lanes Kent experienced air raids on Friday and Sunday. In the first, damage was caused at Northfleet and there were some casualties, and in the second thrilling aerial dog-fights were seen. Men of a Home Guard posed fired at a Dornier, which staggered a few miles and crashed. On Sunday afternoon a large district in Kent received the unwelcome attentions of a number of German…