Thrilling Aerial Dog-Fights over Kent in WW2

Raiders Over Kent
Bombers Chased off by R.A.F. and A.A. Gunners
Home Guard “Bag” a Dornier with Rifle Volley
Motorists machine-gunned in Lanes

Kent experienced air raids on Friday and Sunday. In the first, damage was caused at Northfleet and there were some casualties, and in the second thrilling aerial dog-fights were seen. Men of a Home Guard posed fired at a Dornier, which staggered a few miles and crashed.

On Sunday afternoon a large district in Kent received the unwelcome attentions of a number of German squadrons. Centring in from three directions almost all the enemy types in use, submitted the locality to a severe bombardment. The earlier stages of the bombardment were marked by considerable regularity of attack, with the Germans dropping high explosive and delayed action bombs. This attack was frustrated, however, by R.A.F. fighters and the bombing, never very accurate, became erratic and pointless.

As evidence of this, a field of eight acres with a flourishing potato crop had five craters each within 100yds, of the other. The public were interested in the proceedings and almost completely failed to realise the great danger in which they stood. Some who had good sense to take shelter nullified it by remaining at the doors to watch the display, a course of action which gave the first-aid post much unnecessary work and anxiety.

One valley was pitted with time bombs, and later explosions could be heard. A number of minor casualties ensued through carelessness.

[Source: Bromley & District Times, 23rd August 1940, page 5]

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