Following on from Bromley’s waste salvage drive in September 1941, a competition was set up to encourage more salvage of paper from the people of Bromley and the surrounding areas.
It appeal to both homes and workplaces, as well as clubs, schools, hospitals and shops to search everywhere, for what means of paper waste they could find.
This advert appears in the Bromley Times in January 1942.
First Prize £500
Will you help Bromley to win it?
£500 will be given to National National and Local Charities, if, for the month of January, Bromley collects the greatest weight of Paper Salvage, per head of its population, in competition with other towns within the area of Kent or Surrey.
In every home
Organise a family Salvage Hunt in every “nook and cranny” during the week-end and hand your findings to the dustman when he calls for Salvage.
In every church, hospital, club, school, shop, office
Authorise some person to turn out any old papers, books, ledgers, records, recipets, etc. and when the stack of salvage is ready, write to the Borough Engineer, Municipal Buildings (or phone RAV 4623, Ext. ONE) who will arrange for collection.
“GO TO IT” and “DO IT NOW”

Bromley & District Times, 16th January 1942 (page)
Also see:
Bromley’s Drive to Salvage Waster: 1941
Women’s War Time Services: 1941s
Some Bone: WW2: