Orpington Institution and emergency Hospital, Orpington, Kent
Training of Uncertificated Nurses
The county Council invites applications from persons desirous of training as Assistant Nurses at the Orpington Institution.
Previous nursing experience not essential, and successful candidates will undergo two years training in chronic nursing.
Salary £50 a year first year, £55 second year, together with the usual residential emoluments.
Candidates passing examination successfully at the end of the two years will be eligible for appointment in the county service as Assistant Nurses as salaries of £60 per year, rising by £5 a year to £80 per year.
Full particulars and forms of application can be obtained from the Matron, Orpington Institution, Orpington, Kent, to be returned to her as soon as possible.
W.L. Platts
Clerk of the County Council, County Hall, Maidstone.

Bromley & District Times, 16th January 1942 (page 4)