Hero Honoured with Award from King

Air Raid Warden

We watch Dad’s Army and see the Chief ARP Warden Hodges bickering with Captain Mainwaring. We can still enjoy the light-hearted humour of the shows. The characters are just figures of fun.

Let’s put the record straight: this story is one of many when we learn what the A.R.P. Wardens really did to win their honours, with incredible bravery and disregard for their own safety; just their sense of duty and care to those trapped in their homes during the blitz.


Kent ARP Warden Honoured

Kent A.R.P Warden Honoured

Remained Four Hours in Collasping House

The King has approved the award of the British Empire Medal (Civil Division) to Warden Donald Louis Jones, Air Raid Precautions Service, Kent for meritorious service.

During a recent raid on a Kentish town a number of people were buried under the debris of a house.  At considerable risk Warden Jones crawled under some tons of wreckage and found two persons pinned down by heavy joists which had fallen with the floor above.  For four hours, during which heavy building material was likely to collapse, he protected with his body the heads and faces of the trapped people from debris which was dislodged during the rescue operations, and encouraged them while giving directions to the rescue party.  It was mainly owing to his courage and endurance that the victims were evenutally released.

This is the first award of its kind to a warden.

[Source: Bromley & Kentish Times, 2nd August 1940, page 5]


Images sourced from London Gazetteweighton-medals.co.uk and ww2today.com


If you know more details about ARP Warden Donald Louis Jones, please do get in touch

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