On the evening of the 9th November 1940 at 19:00hrs the sirens began to ring out over Bromley due to enemy aircraft having been spotted flying towards the area. Half an hour later disaster stuck. En route to Central London a Heinkel He 111 was hit by anti-aircraft fire. The damage was so severe that the bomber began to break up in the air, with one wing landing in the rear garden of 45 Cranmore Road in West Chislehurst. With his plane out of control, the pilot bailed out, shortly…
Tag: Police
Police Constable killed in air raid, 1941
Police-Constable Whitehead Poilice-constable Edgar John Whitehead, who was killed in an air-raid while on duty in the City on January 11th (1941), was the elder son of Mr and Mrs. J. Whitehead , 13 Holybrook Way, Bromley. Police-constable Whitehead, who was only 23 years of age, was educated at Bromley Common School, and later won a scholarship to the local Central School. On completing his education he was apprenticed to Me. Wade, the electrician, of High Street, Bromley, and two years ago joined the City of London Police. A…
Horace A T Friend
Horace Alfred Thomas Friend was the son of Mr Alfred Friend and brother to Amos D J Friend. He was with the Mounted Police in London before serving with the colours during WW1.Horace A T Friend He is commemorated on the Cudham Roll of Honour. Source: Bromley & District Times (search via www.militaryancestors.co.uk)