Air Raid Shelters
Keston School Prepared
When the scholars at Keston Church Schools return from their Easter vacation on April 1, the new air raid shelter built on the Common opposite the school will be ready for use. The shelter is a workmanlike job with accomodation for upwards of 100 senior scholars. There are emergency exits at the end of each passage, and entrance is made by a flight of steps which decend to thejunction of two passageways. In addition to seats and necessary air-lock and gas preventative arrangements at the entrance, there are store rooms and lavatories.
The smaller children are being cared for at another shelter which is being prepare for them in another part of the school premises.
A surprise test as the the readiness with which gas-masks could be taken from their cases and worn by the scholars was made in the senior class a few days ago. From the word “go” the whole class had their gas-masks perfectly adjusted and ready for making their exit in 12 seconds. The Kentish Times representative who made the test recorded the time on a stop-watch.
Bromley & Kentish Times, March 1941