Mr Victor George Thomas Rickman

Victor George Thomas Rickman

For Gallantry: British Empire Medal

Mr V.G.T. Rickman
His Majesty the King has been graciously please to award the British Empire Medal to Mr Victor George Thomas Rickman, 39 Brooklyn Road, Bromley, in recognition of his gallant conduct and good service on the occasion of the enemy attack on London last April.

During the __ a high explosive bomb wrecked a shelter and three embers of the Southern Railway staff were killed and four badly injured.
Mr Rickman is a clerk at Blackfriars good station.  With him on the night of the raid were the station foreman, an acting lineman and an assistant lineman.  The Linemen were both injured and the station foreman was severely shaken.  Disregarding their injuries, __ever, they went to the aid of the casualties in the shelter.  The station foreman and Mr Rickman organised stretcher parties.

Mr Rickman, in order to get the wounded to the street, led his party on a particular hazardous journey across a badly damaged bridge.  The rescue work was carried out in conditions of great danger and a__ the men showed courage.

Particulars of the awards to Mr Rickman and the other three men were published in the Second Supplement to he London Gazette on December 5.  They have received the congratulations of the Right Hon. Lord Leathers and Sir Cyril Hurcomb, K.B.E., Director-General of the Ministry of War Transport.

Mr Rickman was born in Bromley and educated at Raglan Road School, under Mr Edwin Owen.  He joined the staff on the Southern Railway in June 1917, and has been at Blackfriars goods station since.  He was a keen supporter of Raglan C.C. and one of the officers for a number of years.

Article about the gallantry of Victor Rickman

Bromley & District Times, 12th December 1941 (page 5)

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