Advert article which featured in the local Bromley Times newspaper in February 1942 from the Ministry of War Transport, Ministry of Food and the Board of Trade.
Why shopkeepers are re-planning their delivery services to you
Shopkeepers are re-planning their delivery services to customers to bring final victory nearer. For this self-same reason, shoppers are being asked to carry their shopping home.
By supporting their scheme to the full shoppers may be putting themselves to some inconvenience. But those who help have satisfaction of knowing that their efforts, coupled with the great work of the reorganisation of the shopkeepers, will release even greater reserves of man-power and even more petrol and rubber with which to defeat our enemies.
Important notice to retailers
Watch out for notice of meetings called by the Sub-district Transport Manager, or the Local Food Executive Officer of your area. You will be asked to attend these meetings in order to assist in the plans for the reorganisation of delivery services, which may involve the pooling of vehicles, deliveries of goods on certain days only, or the restriction of delivery areas.
Bromley & District Times, 6th February 1942 (page 1)