During World War 1 a Women Committee was set up as there was concern about girls canoodling with the soldiers, and soldiers corrupting local girls. Consequently women were encouraged to join the street patrols in particular areas where girls and men might ‘enjoy’ a little ***. The War Office gave permission for these patrols to take place outside military camps and were also very active in public parks and cinemas. It was the Women’s Patrol Committee who recommended that lights were not dimmed between films!
This, at a time when the established procedure was for girls to be ‘introduced’ to young men before they might ‘step out’ together. It was found that women were better than men in establishing order.
During the First World War over 2,000 patrols were established, including over 400 in London.
Public Meeting advert featured in the Bromley & District Times, 3rd May 1918, page 4