This extract, taken from the Bromley & District Times, 6th September, 1918 [pg 5] and gives an account of an evening of entertainment in Bromley:
The men of the Army Service Corps in our neighbourhood, together with their lady friends, had a capital entertainment provided for them on Wednesday evening at the Drill Hall, Bromley, which well deserved the cheers given at the close.
The principle part of the entertainment was sustained by the talent found in the men themselves, and their efforts were heightened and graced by the contribution of several lady singers; Mrs B Nathan, with “Roses of Picardy” and “Until”; Miss Alexander, and Miss Tracey Darby. The men were very appreciative of their charmingly sung songs. Private Jan Hurst was musical director and accompanist, with which statement further praise of the entertainment is rendered almost unnecessary. Notwithstanding, a few details will perhaps be welcome. Captain Hendric sang “In an old-fashioned town,” with all the feeling necessary to this pretty composition. Lieutenant Shirley repeated former successes with “You will excuse me, won’t you?” and “It does go” (nothing is missed in his selections, his articulation is so clear). Private Galeweski, “The Mystery Man” (late of St George’s Hall), gave a refined and delightful exhibition of his wonderful and delicate skill; Private Camplbell and Lance-Corporal Tony Lloyd made the audience hilarious with short story, quip, and a knock-about sketch; Private Gilpin was exceptionally clever in his jugglery with balls, plates, and Indian clubs; and Private Monkman (comedian) came on in “My Early Closing Day.”
Private Cohen made some good jokes in a humorous song, “Shurrup.” Sergeant Ward (tenor) and Private Baker (baritone), formerly musical director of the Pavilion, Newcastle-on-Tyne gave pleasure with that fine duet, “Watchman, what of the night?” Private Baker playing also the accompaniment, while later Private Baker sang in pleasant fashion, “When all was young” from Faust. Private Satchell gave the finest rendering of the “Veteran’s Song” it has been our pleasure to listen to for many a long day, and Lance-Corporal Hardy’s delineation of some “Impressions” was as graphic and sharp as if he were drawing in black and white. Among the good vocalism ought also to be included Private Campell’s “Tipperary,” à la a drill sergeant’s, a Scotsman’s, a Welshman’s and a Gurkha’s rendering of it. It was good fun and clever. Sergeant Wheatley sang “Because” with all due attention to its sentiment. The musical feature of the evening was the violin performance of Private Stanley, late of the Queen’s Hall, although he needed no label. He appeared first with Jan Hurst (piano) in a selection from that composer’s opera, The Love Lotion, which was played with characteristic verve. Private Stanley’s solos were “Zigeunerweisen” (the cadenza being an exquisite piece of work) and Nocturne (Chopin). The purity and delicacy of his performance of these afforded the greatest musical pleasure, and proved him an artist indeed. No stress is laid upon the applause which rewarded the artists throughout the evening. That will be taken for granted.
[Source: Bromley & District Times, 6th September, 1918 pg 5]
A long Way to Tipperary
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Roses of Picardy
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