The onslaught continued into September 1940. This article appeared in the Bromley & District Times newspaper.
Fine Work by R.A.F. fighters and A.A. Gunners
Waves of enemy bombers, supported by fighter escorts have failed in repeated thrusts at London’s defences.
Mass raids by day and cruising “nuisance” planes at night have formed the enemy’s tactics against Britain this week.
In the attacks over Kent, R.A.F. fighter aircraft and anti-aircraft guns have smashed large formations of German bombers and escorts, sending them racing for home depleted and battered.
The R.A.F. have continued operations over enemy territory, including Berlin, and new targets in Germany and Italy have been attacked by aircraft of the Bomber Command.
Heavy explosions, punctuated by the rumble of gunfire from the direction of Calais and Boulogne, were heard in Kent coast towns on Tuesday evening. It is thought that the R.AF. were making another attack on the Channel ports.