Ontario Military Hospital Carnival
It was “Dominion Day” at Orpington on the 1st inst., and a successful and largely attended sports carnival was held at the Ontario Military Hospital. There were probably more than 3, 000 persons present on the charming sports field above the hospital, situated in the very centre of a delightfully wooded and hilly country.
While monoplanes and biplanes droned overhead, the sports programme was carried through with every evidence of pleasure to the many patients and other spectators who thronged the ground. It was a touching sight to see, in wheeled ambulances or in comfortable chairs, many of whose wounds were of too serious a nature to allow of their freer movement, but who nevertheless followed the sports with the keenest zest, and were obviously glad to be able to witness the interesting features of the afternoon.
Besides the serious sports there was in evidence much of the fun of a Dominion Day carnival. Clowns jostled with the competitors, and their jokes and antics added to the jollity and gaiety of the occasion.
Dominion Day at Orpington will be long remembered – by some because it passed like a breath of Canada, by others because it was English with so remarkable a series of variations.