War-Time Sweet TreaTs
When rations meant that sweet treats were few and far between, the local newspaper provided recipes with alternative ingredients.
Here are two recipes which were printed in the Bromley and District in August 1940 – Do you dare try them? If you do, please let us know how you get along.
Housekeeping in War-Time
Sugarless Macaroons
Coconut macaroons, beloved by so many adults as well as children can be made without sugar if you use sweetened condensed milk. You will need about half a tin of condensed milk with 1/2lb of desiccated coconut and, if liked, a little beaten egg can also be worked in, but this is not essential.
Put mixture in small heaps on rice paper and bake in a very moderate oven for about ten minutes.

Chocolate Potato Cake
Then again, don’t let us forget how useful the homely potato can be as a flour saver. Many of you are familiar with potato scones, but have you ever tried Chocolate Potato Cake? Here is the recipe:
4oz Margarine
4oz Sugar
2 Eggs
1/2 cup Milk
1/2 teaspoon Salt
1 1/2 oz Choloate or Cocoa Powder
2 level teaspoons Baking Powder
6oz Plain Flour
3oz Mashed Potatoes
The approximate cost is 11 1/2d.
Cream the margarine thoroughly. Gradually add the sugar beating all the time, Beat in each egg separately and continue beating until the mixture is of the consistancy of thick whipped cream. Then add the cocoa or melted chocolate – beat again.
Next add the sifted flour, baking powder and the salt alternately with the milk in about three or four portions. Stir well.
Lastly mix in the potatoes.
Divide the mixture between two greased sandwich tins. Bake in a moderate oven (400 F) for about 25 minutes. Turn out on to a cooking tray.

Bromley & District Times, 2nd August 1940