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Making Ends Meet

Think of Great Britain as one great factory.  Working at full pressure its output of goods can be vastly increased.  But from this entire output must come both the seeds of the fighting services and the requirements of the rest of us.  The Services must come first.

The war must be won and in the shortest possible time.  This means – and we must face the hard fact – that you and I must go without many of the things we used to enjoy in peace time.

The vitally necessary war supplies must be produced in ever-increasing quantities.

The money we don’t spend on our own personal requirements and pleasure can then be lent to the Nation to be devoted to Britain’s vast war effort.

If everyone with good pay coming in continues to spend on things they can dowithout, our resources will be in danger of speedy exhaustion.  Prices will go rocketing up, and the arming and equipment of our forces will be seriously hampered.

We must make ends meet – but not by the method of burning the candle at both ends.

There is no time to be lost. Lend the full weight of your money to the struggle now.  Invest as much as you possibly can in National Savings Certificates, Defence Bonds and in the Post Office and Trustee Saving Banks.

Bromley & District Times, 9th August 1940

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