Lebed XV11

The Lebed XV11 was the most advanced of all ‘ Lebed’ family. Its Salmson140 or 150hp engine was well cowled and equipped with large spinner. Exhaust stacks send gases down the main landing gear struts. Same struts carried two radiators. Forward section of the fuselage was rounded to accommodate the engine and covered with plywood. Tail section was of strut-brace structure, covered with fabric. It was a single-bay, two-seat reconnaissance biplane. The upper wing had a center-wing section; two tubular radiators were attached to shaped front struts; the fuselage sides at the front were rounded to fit the engine’s contour.

Flown in August 1917, demonstrating good performance. Several built before the end of 1917.

The Lebed XVII reconnaissance bomber was one of Lebed’s last successful models. Some may have served in the IRAS before Russia dropped out of the war, and a few examples were drafted into the Red Air Force during the Civil War.

Introduced: 1917
Crew: 2
Length: 8.4 m
Wingspan: 13.9
Engine: Salmson 140 or 150hp

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