Great Air Battles Off Coast, August 1940

This report details the beginning of the Battle of Britain, outlining the impressive number of aircraft brought down by the R.A.F. and ground defence units, who work tirelessly to protect Britain.  Reported in the Bromley & District Times, 23rd August 1940


Great Air Battles Off Coast - 23rd August 1940

295 Raiders Down in 7 Days

Brilliant Work by R.A.F. and Ground Defences

In air battles of enormous proportions which have raged over Kent and South Coasts this week the R.A.F. and British ground defences have exacted heavy toll from the enemy.

In seven days from last Thursday, when mass air raids on Britain began, to Tuesday, no fewer than 295 raiders were brought down, the daily ‘bag’ being:

Thursday: 61
Friday: 1
Saturday: 1
Sunday: 66
Monday: 62
Tuesday: 78
Wednesday: 26

If these large-scale attacks are intended to confine the R.A.F to defensive work they have failed, for our airmen have vigorously continued their raids on enemy territory – ranging on Tuesday from Jutland to the Bay of Biscay.

The King has twice visited North-West Kent this week – on Saturday for a Home Guard parade at West Wickham, and on Wednesday to insect a number of defence units.

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