Bombs on Villages during World War 2

This sad report were published in the Bromley & District Time newspaper on 6th September 1940.

Family of Four Killed

A husband and wife and their two boys were killed in a quiet Kent village on Sunday afternoon, while they were in a shelter.  There is no military objective of any kind in or near that village – it was just a case of ruthless indiscriminate bombing.

On Friday several bombs fell in a Kent beauty spot.  An old mansion was destroyed, but happily no one was in residence at the time.  Several trees were uprooted. One bomb dropped immediately behind a keeper’s hut.

A detached villa was destroyed in a quiet residential road near a village post office.  The tenant, a lady of 8-, and her maid, who were in the kitchen, escaped injury.  Not a single pane of glass was broken in the adjoining houses.  One of the old lady’s next-door neighbours i a leading village Churchman and professional man.  These neighbours feared at first that their cat was a casualty, but the animal returned in safety 36 hours later. The old lady’s cat was found in a cupboard 48 hours after the raid.

In another residential district – far away from any legitimate target – a house was destroyed.  The family were away on holiday at the time, as were neighbours.

During that raid a warden was blown off his bicycle and a policeman was treated for concussion.

Three bombs fell quite close to rustic tea gardens which are a popular resort of hikers and cyclists.  No one was hurt, but a few red tiles were blown off an old shed.

A Kentish Times reporter who called at a manse was told “Bombs fells all around, but we were mercifully spared.”

Service Begun in Shelter

In a village Methodist Church the visiting minister took the first part of the morning service in the school shelter.  The service was concluded in the church.  two hours later tragedy fell on this particular village.

In an Anglican church the Vicar sent the choirboys to shelter when the raid began.  The musical part of the service was curtailed.

A husband and wife and a lady visitor to a house were killed during the night of August 29.  On another day there was a raid while the funeral service was in progress in a cemetery church.  The officiating clergyman held a consultation with the undertakers, and it was decided to proceed with the ceremony.  Nothing untoward occurred while the burials were taking place.


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